S-Q 1997 Syllabus and Info

Course Info

Course Email:	libsq@fas.harvard.edu
Course URL:	http://www.fas.harvard.edu/~libsq

Instructor:	Dan Ellard (ellard@deas.harvard.edu)
Phone:		(617) 496-6434 (office), (617) 643-9644 (home, before 10pm)
Office:		ESL 104 (40 Oxford Street)
Office Hours:	Monday 3-5, or by appointment.
Home Page:	http://www.fas.harvard.edu/~ellard2

TF:		Robert Haas (rhaas@fas.harvard.edu)
Phone:		(617) 492-1005

Course Readings and Schedule

Date Topics Readings Due
6/24 Course Overview, big-O Notation Weiss 1-2, Ellard 1-2
6/26 Linked Lists, Sparse Arrays Weiss 3.1-3.2, Ellard 3 Asst 1 (6/30)
7/1 Stacks and Queues Weiss 3.3-3.4, Ellard 4
7/3 Binary Trees Weiss 4.1-4.3
7/8 Balanced Trees, B-Trees, Tries Weiss 4.4, 4.7, Ellard 5 Asst 2
7/10 Hashing, Hash Tables Weiss 5 Hourly 1
7/15 I/O of Data Structures Data Rep Notes, Ellard 6
7/17 Randomized Algorithms Weiss 10.4, Ellard 7 Asst 3
7/22 String Searching Ellard 8
7/24 Sorting Weiss 7.1-7.3, 7.6-7.7 Asst 4
7/29 Heaps Weiss 6.1-6.4 Hourly 2
7/31 Heapsort, Radixsort Weiss 7.5, 7.8-7.11
8/5 Graphs Weiss 9.1-9.3, Ellard 3
8/7 Graph Algorithms Weiss 9.5-9.6 Asst 5, 6
8/12 Course review Everything... Final Paper
8/14 Final Exam

Recommended References

Harley Hahn's Student Guide to UNIX (second edition), by Harley Hahn. A valuable reference for anyone who wants to learn more about UNIX.

Lewis and Denenberg
Data Structures and Their Algorithms, by Harry Lewis and Larry Denenberg. This book deserves a place on every computer scientist's bookshelf.

Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest

Introduction to Algorithms, by Cormen, Leiserson, and Rivest. An large, encyclopedic survey of algorithms. Mathematically advanced.

Kernighan and Ritchie
The C Programming Language (second edition), by Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie. The definitive reference for the C language.

Harbison and Steele
C: A Reference Manual (fourth edition), by Samuel Harbison and Guy Steele. If you can't figure it out from K+R, this book is the next place to check.

Dan Ellard - ellard@deas.harvard.edu