Dan Ellard -- 09/27/94 DIRECTORY NAME ABBREVIATIONS: ~ (twiddle) your home directory . (dot) the current directory. .. (dot dot) the parent directory of the current directory. ~libsq (twiddle libsq) the home directory of the S-Q library account. FREQUENTLY USED COMMANDS: man Look up a manual page for a command or library function. man -k Search for manual pages by keyword. ls List all the files in a directory. ls -l Show the long form of the information pwd Print the full name of the current directory. more View a text file, page by page. Pressing the space bar when you see the "More" prompt shows you the next page in the file. less A jazzed up version of more. Since the HPUX version of more is somewhat outdated, I suggest that you use less instead. cp Make a copy of a file. mv Move a file or directory. cd Change directory. Change which directory you are working in. rm Remove a file. rmdir Remove a directory. A directory must be empty before it can be removed. eval `resize` Tell UNIX to make sure that it knows what size screen you're using. stty Tell UNIX which keys you prefer to do what. Common usage: "stty erase " where is replaced by hitting whatever key you want to be the erase key. make Build a program. vi Edit a file. checkin Checkin a file, making a backup copy for future reference. checkout Checkout a file, restoring a backup copy (which must have been checked in with checkin). grep Search for patterns in a file. exit Exit the current shell. If this is your login shell, then you will be logged out.