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S-Q 1997 - Assignment 5 Due 08/07/97 at 6:00pm Last Date Accepted: 08/11/97 at 6:00pm

Getting Prepared

  1. Copy over the files for this assignment. Copy all of the files from tex2html_wrap_inline56libsq/assts/asst5 into your directory tex2html_wrap_inline56/Q/asst5 (which should have been created when you ran q-setup for assignment 1).

Exercises (100 points)

All work should be done in directory tex2html_wrap_inline56/Q/asst5. The Makefile provided includes rules to build all the programs in this assignment; you shouldn't need to change it at all.

You may write your answers to the written questions in whatever manner you prefer- longhand, with UNIX tools, or via a word processor. Make sure to hand in a copy of whatever is appropriate given your choice.

  1. (5 points) Weiss, 6.13. Give a precise equation, in terms of d and i. Hint- test your equation for d = 2 and make sure that it gives the same answer as for binary heaps, and then test it for larger d. Remember that the first element of the array is at index 0.
  2. (20 points) Weiss, 6.2, part b only. Initially fill the tree in level order with the given values (so that 10 is the root, 12 its left child, 1 its right child, and so on) and then show each step of the procedure.
  3. (25 points) Alice and Bob agree to play the following game: Alice will randomly select a 50-digit binary number, and conceal it from Bob. Bob will then attempt to guess the number. Since Alice has tex2html_wrap_inline72 possible numbers to choose from, Alice has agreed to make Bob's task easier by allowing Bob to ask her, as often as he likes, one very specific question: Bob can ask Alice whether a given string of bits appears as a substring in her number. For example, Bob might ask if ``1010'' appears in the Alice's number, and she would answer yes if and only if this pattern of binary digits appears somewhere in her number.

    To end the game, Bob declares his final guess, and Alice reveals her number. If Bob's guess is correct, then Bob wins, but if his guess is incorrect, then Alice wins. Note that Bob must commit to one (and only one) number as his final guess. Hint- this problem has much more to do with string searching than brown envelopes.

    1. Show that Bob can always win this game after asking a relatively small number of questions (i.e. fewer than 500). Calculate the minimum and maximum number of questions that Bob will require to always win if he uses your algorithm.
    2. Alice can attempt to cheat by showing Bob a number that is different than the one she initially chose, or by answering some of Bob's questions incorrectly. Prove that any attempt by Alice to cheat can easily be detected by Bob, as soon as she reveals her number.

  4. (30 points) Implement the radix sorting algorithm for integers, by completing the functions in file radixsort.c.
  5. (20 points) Weiss, 6.9, part a. Remember that your goal is not to find the K smallest numbers- your goal is simply to find all the numbers smaller than X. You need only FIND the nodes in question -- you do NOT need to delete them from the heap. (Note that it is possible that none of the numbers in the heap is smaller then X, or it is possible that they all are.)

Graduate Problem - 25 points

An undirected graph is minimally connected if it is connected, but the removal of any edge would cause the graph to become disconnected.

  1. Prove that any minimally connected graph which contains N nodes must contain exactly N-1 edges.
  2. Devise an efficient (O(N)) algorithm for determining whether an undirected graph is minimally connected. If possible, prove that your algorithm is O(N) in all cases. If your algorithm is not O(N), state what its big-O is (and prove this bound).

    For the purpose of this algorithm, you can assume that given a vertex X, you can find a list of all of the vertices adjacent to X in time O(1).

  3. Implement your algorithm, using the code provided in mincon.c.

Submit Your Work

  1. Use the submit program to hand in your work. From your directory tex2html_wrap_inline56/Q, run the submit program. The name of the course is cscisq, and the name of the project is asst5, and the name of the file to submit is also asst5. (See the UNIX tutorial for more info about submit.)
  2. Print out a copy of all of the text or code files you created or edited as part of this assignment, and hand them in at the next class or section. If you wrote out the answers to your questions longhand or using a word processor, include printouts of the final document.

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This document was generated using the LaTeX2HTML translator Version 96.1-h (September 30, 1996) Copyright © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, Nikos Drakos, Computer Based Learning Unit, University of Leeds.

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The translation was initiated by Dan Ellard on Wed Jul 30 11:41:01 EDT 1997

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Dan Ellard
Wed Jul 30 11:41:01 EDT 1997