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S-Q 1997 - Assignment 2
Due 07/07/97 at 6:00pm
Last Date Accepted: 07/10/97 at 6:00pm

Getting Prepared

  1. Copy over the files for this assignment. Copy all of the files from tex2html_wrap_inline78libsq/assts/asst2 into your directory tex2html_wrap_inline78/Q/asst2 (which should have been created when you ran q-setup for assignment 1).

Exercises (100 points)

All work should be done in directory tex2html_wrap_inline78/Q/asst2. The Makefile provided includes rules to build all the programs in this assignment; you shouldn't need to change it at all.

  1. (35 points) Complete the functions specified in dllist.c. Test your functions carefully with dllist_test, to make sure that they give the same results as the reference implementation.
  2. (15 points) Complete the functions specified in deque.c (and described in Weiss, exercise 3.26). Note that deque.c uses the doubly linked list structures from dllist; if you have troubles getting your dllist functions to work, feel free to use the dllist_dbg functions instead of your own. Test your functions carefully with deque_test, to make sure that they give the same results as the reference implementation.
  3. (25 points) Weiss, problem 3.10. Instead of answering questions a, b, and c as written, do the following:

    1. Devise and implement an algorithm that you are sure is correct and solves the problem. Do not be overly concerned with efficiency. Implement your algorithm by completing the function josephus in joe1.c. You can test your program by building and running the joe1 program, and comparing its output with that of sol_joe.
    2. Make a copy of joe1.c named joe2.c, and implement any algorithmic optimizations as you can think of in it (preserving correctness, of course). Be sure to adequately comment your code! Test your program by building and running the joe2 program.

      Do not get carried away on this part of the problem- you could spend days tinkering with it, but remember that this problem is only a small part of the assignment!

    3. Place your answers to the following questions in file joe.txt:

      1. Analyze your joe1 and joe2 algorithms. What are their best-case and worst-case running times, in big-O notation?
      2. Using the test-joe script, compare the speeds of joe1, joe2, and sol_joe. How much faster (or slower) are each compared with the others?
      3. Does the relative speed of joe1, joe2, and sol_joe appear to depend on some relationship between N and M? If so, describe this relationship. (If you have an exact equation, give that, but otherwise be as specific as you can be.)
      4. Did you need to do anything really complicated to get much speedup? Discuss the tradeoff between speed and simplicity.
      5. Briefly describe any optimizations you considered, but didn't implement because they were too difficult.

    You will probably find that a linked list is an appropriate data structure to represent the circle of players (but in this case, the linked list will have its ends tied together to create a loop, instead of having a head and tail). Feel free to use the functions you wrote for dllist.c or deque.c (or the debugging versions of these functions), if they are useful.

    Be sure that your code free's all of the memory it allocates.

  4. (25 points) Implement the Balancing Symbols algorithm described on page 71 of Weiss, by writing the balance_symbols function (and any other functions you need) in balance.c. Refer to balance.c for more detail. When complete, the output from your program should be the same as that from sol_balance.

    You may implement your own stack routines (based on your deque.c code, perhaps), or use the code provided in istack.c and istack.h in any way you see fit. You may assume that balanced symbols are never nested very deeply (at most 100 levels), so using a finite stack (with a maximum depth of 100) is sufficient.

Submit Your Work

  1. Use the submit program to hand in your work. From your directory tex2html_wrap_inline78/Q, run the submit program. The name of the course is cscisq, and the name of the project is asst2, and the name of the file to submit is also asst2. (See the UNIX tutorial for more info about submit.)
  2. Print out a copy of your dllist.c, deque.c, joe1.c, joe2.c, joe.txt, and balance.c, and hand them in during the next class or section. (If you modify or create any other files, print them out as well.)

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This document was generated using the LaTeX2HTML translator Version 96.1-h (September 30, 1996) Copyright © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, Nikos Drakos, Computer Based Learning Unit, University of Leeds.

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The translation was initiated by Dan Ellard on Fri Jun 27 16:17:25 EDT 1997

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Dan Ellard
Fri Jun 27 16:17:25 EDT 1997