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S-Q 1997 - Assignment 1
Due 06/30/97 at 6:00pm
Last Date Accepted: 07/03/97 at 6:00pm

This assignment is intended to familiarize you with the computers that we'll be using in this course and to help me assess your current knowledge of C and programming, as well as to reinforce the concepts that we've covered in lecture and reading so far.

The first three problems are short programming exercises. They should be straightforward if you are comfortable with C, recursion, and strings (though array_middle is somewhat more difficult than the others). The last two problems are much more thought-provoking.

Getting Prepared

  1. Set up your account for S-Q work. Run the command tex2html_wrap_inline82/libsq/usr/scripts/q-setup, which will create a number of directories that you will use for your assignments, and configure your account for S-Q work (by adding a few lines to your tex2html_wrap_inline82/.cshrc).

    If you get any warning messages when you run q-setup, please send mail to the course staff. After you've run q-setup, log out and log back in again, and your environment should be set up. (You should not need to repeat this step.)

    NOTE: if you're not running tcsh or csh, then you should talk to a member of the course staff about how to set up your account environment. (If you are not sure what shell you are running, then you're probably running tcsh.)

  2. Copy over the files for this assignment. Copy all of the files from tex2html_wrap_inline82libsq/assts/asst1 into your directory tex2html_wrap_inline82/Q/asst1. (This directory is created by q-setup, so you don't need to create it yourself.)

Exercises (100 points)

All work should be done in directory tex2html_wrap_inline82/Q/asst1.

  1. (25 points) Implement functions array_max, array_first, array_last, and array_middle, as described in array.c. Use program array_test to test your functions. (The Makefile we provide includes a definition for array_test, so in your asst1 directory the command make array_test will compile this program.)
  2. (15 points) Implement functions string_append and string_substr, as described in string.c. Use program string_test to test your functions. (The Makefile we provide includes a definition for string_test, so in your asst1 directory the command make string_test will compile this program.)
  3. (15 points) Weiss, problem 2.16. Write your algorithm in C, and use it to implement function exp_iterative in file exp.c. Use program exp_test to test your exp_iterative function. (The Makefile we provide includes a definition for exp_test, so in your asst1 directory the command make exp_test will compile this program.)
  4. (25 points) Weiss, problem 2.19, parts a, b, c, and d. Write your answer in majority.txt. A few hints:

  5. (20 points) Suppose that you have an array A that contains N integers, and you need to devise an algorithm that takes two numbers x and y (where tex2html_wrap_inline92), and computes the sum of all of the integers in A between index x and index y. For example, if A is 10, 2, 4, 5, 1, -4, 0, 4 , then if x is 2 and y is 5, the sum is A[2] + A[3] + A[4] + A[5] = 4 + 5 + 1 - 4 = 6.

    Imagine that it is very important that this algorithm run quickly, but that you can perform any amount of precomputation (before you discover x and y). One approach would be to compute the answers for every possible x and y ahead of time, keeping the answers in an N by N array. When given an x and y, you can find the sum immediately in this array. This algorithm runs in time O(1) (not counting the precomputation), but requires space tex2html_wrap_inline94, so for a large N this approach is impractical. Luckily, algorithms exist that are nearly as fast, but use much less memory.

    Answer the following questions in sum.txt:

    1. Find an algorithm that runs in time O(1) (not counting any necessary precomputation) but uses only O(N) precomputed values. Express your algorithm (including the precomputation) in clear English and/or pseudo-code.
    2. Discuss the tradeoff between memory usage and speed. It is possible to compute the sum in y-x arithmetic operations using no precomputed results, or with one arithmetic operation using N precomputed values. How many arithmetic operations are necessary to compute the sum, in general, if you can only store N/2 precomputed values? N/4? N/8? N/M (where M < N)?

Submit Your Work

  1. Use the submit program to hand in your work. From your directory tex2html_wrap_inline82/Q, run the submit program. The name of the course is cscisq, and the name of the project is asst1, and the name of the file to submit is also asst1. (See the UNIX tutorial for more info about submit.)
  2. Print out a copy of files array.c, exp.c, string.c, majority.txt, and sum.txt, and hand them in during the next class or section.

About this document ...

This document was generated using the LaTeX2HTML translator Version 96.1-h (September 30, 1996) Copyright © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, Nikos Drakos, Computer Based Learning Unit, University of Leeds.

The command line arguments were:
latex2html -split 0 asst1.tex.

The translation was initiated by Dan Ellard on Fri Jun 27 16:02:56 EDT 1997

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Dan Ellard
Fri Jun 27 16:02:56 EDT 1997